If you did not find what you were looking for or something is not working for you, please contact us by email: judo.slovakia.tournaments
You will find flags in the upper right corner of the page, click on the flag to change the language.
Click the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the page.
Then a window will open in which you need to fill in all the data, click on the "I'm not a robot" window, which serves as site protection, and then click on the "Register" button. Most of this data is for information only and is not published anywhere.
Click the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the page.
Then a window will open in which you need to fill in the email and password with which you registered.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" Button.
This button redirects you to the password change form, where you need to enter the email on which the account is registered. Then you need to click on the "I'm not a robot" window, which serves to protect the site, and then click on the "Submit" button.
You can then expect a message from the email address you entered. If you did not receive the message, check your spam folder.
If the message is not there either, contact us by email:judo.slovakia.tournaments
After opening the message, just click on the link at the end of the message. This link will take you to a new password form.
In this form you can set a new password, and press "Change password!".
Click the "Profile" button in the upper right corner of the page.
A window will open with information about your profile.
To change your account information, click the "Account Settings" button, then the "Edit Account Information" button.
The data change form will then open for you. You can now edit the data in each field. After editing, press the "Submit!" Button to confirm the changes.
To change your password, click the "Account Settings" button, then the "Change Password" button.
The password change form will then open. Enter the old password in the first window, a new password in the second, and repeat the new password in the third. After entering, press the "Submit!" Button to confirm the changes.
To view account activity, click the "Account Settings" button.
You will see lines showing the type of activity, the date the activity was performed, and the IP address from which the activity was performed.
To view your competitors, click on the "My competitors" button.
Then a window will open with a form to fill in the competitors. Here you can create "your own" database of competitors, which you will then be able to register for various tournaments. It is necessary to fill in each field and confirm the registration after each competitor by pressing the "Register" button.
After adding competitors, you can see them in the list below the form. As you can see, it is possible to register competitors from other clubs/countries, in the case of, for example, a visiting competitor.
In case you have entered incorrect data of a competitor, you can easily edit them by clicking the "Edit" button, to the right of the competitor.
After clicking on the "Edit" button in the competitor's row, you will be pre-filled with a form with the details of the competitor you want to edit. You can then change the data in the individual fields, and then confirm these changes by pressing the "Edit" button below the form.
If you want to delete a competitor from your list, click on the button "Delete" in the competitor's line. When pressed, a pop-up window will pop up, which will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the competitor. If you are sure, confirm this option by clicking "OK".
Click on the button labeled "Tournaments" at the top of the page.
After clicking this option, you will get to the section where you can see the upcoming tournaments as well as the completed tournaments, and basic info to them.
To see more information about this tournament, or to register for the tournament, by clicking on the name of the tournament, you will get to the section with more detailed information about the given competition, as well as to the registration of competitors.
After click on the tournament name you get more information about the tournament.
If a competition outlines and competition results are available, they can be viewed by clicking on the left part of the menu, or, if necessary, you can also download them by clicking on the link with the name "Download", in the right part, in the line Outlines and in the Results line.
The outlines will be on the list at least a week before the competition, the results within a few days after the competition.
If you are registered and also logged in and the competition is not ended yet, you can register your competitors in the "My competitors" section.
After pressing the button, you will get to the section where you can sign the competitors for the competition in which you are currently.
In this situation you have 2 options, if you already have registered competitors in your profile, you can register them for this competition by clicking on the "Add" button, which is located in the row next to the given competitor. If you do not have competitors registered in advance in your profile, you can register them and at the same time sign them in the form, which you must always confirm by pressing the "Sign" button. Competitors registered in this way will also be saved in the profile, so you will not have to re-register them for the next competition, but you will just need to "Add" them from the list of my competitors.
If you have registered someone for the tournament who you know will not participate in the tournament, you can unsign them from the tournament in a similar way, as you can add it, by clicking on the "Remove" button on the right side of the competitor's line.
And the last button "All competitions" will take you back to the list of upcoming and finished tournaments.
abbrev | Group name | Age interval(including marginal values) | Year interval(including marginal values) |
U9 | Superminy | 0 - 8 | 2014 - 2022 |
FU11 | Mini žiačky | 9 - 10 | 2012 - 2013 |
MU11 | Mini žiaci | 9 - 10 | 2012 - 2013 |
FU13 | Mladšie žiačky | 11 - 12 | 2010 - 2011 |
MU13 | Mladší žiaci | 11 - 12 | 2010 - 2011 |
FU15 | Staršie žiačky | 13 - 14 | 2008 - 2009 |
MU15 | Starší žiaci | 13 - 14 | 2008 - 2009 |
FU18 | Dorastenky | 15 - 17 | 2005 - 2007 |
MU18 | Dorastenci | 15 - 17 | 2005 - 2007 |
FU21 | Juniorky | 18 - 20 | 2002 - 2004 |
MU21 | Juniori | 18 - 20 | 2002 - 2004 |
FU23 | Ženy max 22 r. | 15 - 22 | 2000 - 2006 |
MU23 | Muži max 22 r. | 15 - 22 | 2000 - 2006 |
Women | Ženy | 21 + | - 2001 |
Men | Muži | 21 + | - 2001 |
The values are current for the year 2022.
Note: Category U9 - Superminy - In this category, boys and girls are usually combined into one category, regardless of gender.
M = ManF = Female